December 9, 2023
Firstly, these conversations with self can be overwhelming, and easy to engage with at first…but then, it’s easy to feel a little trepidation in what answers may come up and avoid it all together. Because of that, I want to keep this super short and sweet to allow you the time and courage to dive in while the momentum is present for you!
There is so much beauty in a reset of any kind, but an inner evolution reset is extra lovely, so take some time to ponder what it is that you really want to achieve for yourself (you can do this anytime that feels aligned to you, not just at the new year or a new month!) and jot those thoughts down. When we write them down, they become more real and it’s highly likely you’ll begin to bring your desires to fruition with motivated action when you see it written – you’ve already begun to give it life!
Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath, all the way down to your belly.
I’d love to know how you feel after engaging with these questions, my love? Can you feel the shift within?
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